Of all the things a mom could be doing….some of us like to waste a few hours playing the largest MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) in history, the very violent and very addictive, World Of Warcraft.
Fortunately, my cooking skill is way better in real life than in game. As a vegetarian, all those recipes are geared toward cooking kills, meaning wild boar, wolf meat, spider legs etc, were a turn off. I have to admit that my character, Shakuntala, has not been a good vegetarian druid and has eaten an occasional ham shank for health. I do know someone who is veg in game which is quite noble actually.
Blizzard does have a holiday cookie contest and last year I won an honorable mention for my
Exodar ship cookie creation. It was a Cherrybrook Kitchen vegan sugar cookie mix with SeeLect blue (blueberry) natural food coloring along with various icings and gels (vegan but not natural). I was pleasantly surprised I was mentioned and also in awe of the 5 foot 3 Paladin someone spent hours making!
Will I enter this year? Probably not because we have just too many cookies and I still plan on making a natural gingerbread cookie house.
And I think I will try to get as many goodies from the Winter Veil festival on WoW.
2013 Update: The link to my honorable mention no longer works 🙁 so I had to upload my picture again manually. I’m just remembering how fun it was to make this!
Exodar cookie FTW!
Are you still playing Warcraft? It seems there are very few vegetarians that play the game. It would be great to find others and start vegetarian Guild!
So many vegetarian and vegan people play Warcraft. We just don’t introduce ourselves as veg. ;P
Never met a veg character in game but that was almost 8 years ago!
Mages, by default, are vegan.
I suppose this is why I have so many mages, across numerous realms.
I would love to play again, but am so busy. My husband got the Frozen Throne and is a lvl 60 something gnome mage on Suramar server (Vishvakarma).
Nice to meet you veggiefrog!
I’m totally going to start a vegan guild. Considering opening it to vegetarians too.. any thoughts on horde vs alliance as being inherently more veg-friendly? 🙂
It’s been so long since I’ve played but I think the Alliance will more likely to be veg especially if you want to be veg in game. In the Horde, the Undead can eat corpses and the Orcs don’t seem very veg friendly to me. The Nightelves and Dranei seem more meditative.
Have fun!