This was a great meal and something I’ve never seen attempted in any other veggie cookbook.
The Piccata sauce was very tasty with olives and capers! Even though this is supposed to be an Italian dish served over pasta or polenta, I think the PPK girls did it justice with the mashed potatoes….I am a potato lover after all….eating rice at almost every meal growing up made potatoes a novelty for me. 🙂
Anyway, the photo above is the dish not plated.
Here it is in its fancy “I-should-be-at-the-Millenium” version with the haricots verts standing up.
looks yummy! So glad I got your blog link off of the AustinVeggieMamas list. I’m going to add a link to your blog from mine if you don’t mind!
Hey! yours turned out much prettier than mine! haha I love it though. It’s probably my favorite think from the veganomicon. That or the spicy tempeh — mmmm!
You made it without wine and it was still really good? That’s awesome :] did you sub in anything or just not add it?