This is the last of Meet Up Mondays and it’s perfect timing that I got the Liebster award last Friday. There’s not much info on the origins of the award but it’s been given out on the web for around 5 years. It’s a fun way to send a little love to bloggers. It’s kinda like a chain letter but I don’t mind. The great thing about it is the fun getting to know others and there are not threats at the end for not participating. (I always hated the kind that came via email…”You’ll have bad luck for 7 years!”)
I was nominated by Alicia at Conscientious Cookie. Thanks Alicia for thinking of me! I hope your vegan bakery business continues to grow!
Here are my answers to her questions:
1. What made you decide to start blogging?
I started blogging in 2007, so I have been at it for a while but not very seriously. I was interested in journaling and sharing some of the interesting dishes I made. In 2008, I began my vegetarian personal chef business and saw it as another way I could share recipes and also attract more clients.
2. Do you have any companion animals? If so, what are their names?
We have some fish and 2 cats – an orange tabby (Sunny) and a tuxedo (Mercury). I would love to get a Shiba Inu!
3. What is that one dish you make often enough to know it by heart?
Kichari (it is the classic Ayurvedic dish of mung dal and basmati rice with tridoshic spices.)
4. Where do you get inspiration for recipes, blog topics, etc?
I get inspired by the food that comes from my CSA basket or farmer’s market. I generally use culinary traditions I already know about to make dishes but with different ingredients. When I’m stuck or don’t feel very creative, sometimes I’ll look through my cookbooks or Pinterest.
5. Favourite food to make at home?
It’s fun to make brunch on Saturday or Sunday. We love to have scrambled tofu, hash browns, tempeh sausage, homemade biscuits. Very hearty breakfasts on the weekend are a must after having a green smoothie all week.
6. What are 5 things you must have in your pantry/fridge at all times?
This is hard because I shop at least every other day, sometimes more if I get busy with clients.
Hemp milk (Pacific brand has no carrageenan), Tamari, some kind of hot sauce (Sriracha, Yellowbird, Cholula, Valentina etc), romaine lettuce, cilantro.
7. What are your hobbies, other than baking/cooking?
I like to read inspiring books (mostly non-fiction) & craft magazines (I LOVE Flow & Mollie Makes). I like to do yoga (mostly Ashtanga & Bikram.) I knit, sew and I’m interested in the DIY, upcycling/thrifting, homestead movement. I like to go hiking/backpacking, camping, and ride a bike when traveling around in a new place. I’m working on my drawing style and learning to paint with water color.
8. Do you donate to any charities/foundations, or are you a member of any?
I like to support Waldorf education. I think it’s a great way to learn and I wish that more schools would adopt its approach.
A couple charities that I love are Food For Life Global and Akshaya Patra. Food for Life Global is the world’s largest veg food relief organization.
I have been a volunteer in Hawaii and have gone out to feed the homeless in Honolulu. The Akshaya Patra program feeds thousands of children a vegetarian lunch in schools all across India. Their kitchen facilities are some of the most amazing I have ever seen. Imagine a hundred gallons of dal, conveyor belts, and special trucks. I witnessed the whole process 1st hand when I visited Bangalore, India in 2003.
Me with a class of students in 2003 in Bangalore, India.
Students sitting in rows eating sambar and rice.
9. Is there a blogger you aspire to or admire? Who is it and why?
I really admire Kimberly Snyder. I love her story about traveling around the world for 2 years and learning about food first hand.
Her books are great and she has a very nice community aspect to her blog. She has inspired many new women to start blogs and share their journey to health through eating nutrient dense food. She is also an awesome yogini and is beautiful inside and out.
10. What is your favourite documentary? What did you like about it?
It’s been a long time since I watched a documentary. Nowadays, I really enjoy TED talks. They are very inspiring and on topics that I feel I can learn a lot on.
The info in veg documentaries seems to be preaching to the choir to me.
Here’s who I’ve nominated (they are not a part of Vegan MoFo, so go visit them):
Emily at – awesome artist & seamstress and beautiful vegan friend!
Krishnaveni of Ruchi Ruchi Aduge – vegetarian Indian food.
Richgail of AstigVegan – the most awesome vegan Filipino food blog ever!
Lakshmi of PureVege – her food and photography is great!
Lynn at Scissors and Spice – lots of veg recipes and crafty goodness!
Mercedes at Vegetarian Yogi – recipes, yoga, buddhism, knitting and more!
Q at Kiss My Veg – Austin, TX based and she’s got a fun veg video channel!
Jessica at Vegan Outdoor Adventures – lots of info on vegan gear and fun in the great outdoors!
Here are my 10 questions:
1. What is your favorite herb?
2. What’s the best vegan meal you have had in a restaurant?
3. Where is the most awesome place you have ever traveled to and was it veg friendly?
4. Is there a beloved food that you have yet to find vegan or a good vegan version?
5. Are you an extrovert or introvert and what do you think your Myers-Briggs personality is?
6. How do you feel about technology and social media?
7. Your favorite cookbook?
8. What’s the best recipe on your blog (provide the link)?
9. What is your dream job?
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
If you have been nominated, you can put the award in a post, mention that VeggieBytes nominated you, answer the questions, and then nominate 8-10 more blogs you like, and type up some questions you would like to ask them. Thanks for considering and joining the fun!
Tomorrow is the last day of Vegan MoFo 2014! I will have a review of a great new snack company!
I was also nominated today by Jasmine of Self Sufficient Cafe. Find my answers to her questions in the comments of her post.
Thanks for the awards 🙂
Oops! I’ve also nominated you for a Liebster award! I hope you don’t mind, but I think its a fun thing to do and a great way to end Vegan Mofo 2014. I used to choose the blogs I’ve nominated. I was nominated twice so too :o) Go check it out here
Thanks Jasmine! I hope you had a fun Vegan MoFo and will continue making posts throughout the year!
Love your answers! Your cats are so cute. (I confess the reason I asked the question is because I wanted to see photos of animals and you did one better with a video!) Also, it’s so inspiring to see some of the work you have helped out with. Good for you!